I Love You.. For all that you are, all that you have been, and all you're yet to be..

Monday 24 June 2013

Live your Life

Lamanya tak update blog.. huhu maklum lh demam final exam..
so buzy ckit lah.. kekeke 
Sebelum ni banyak benda nak update dekat blog ne.. 
tapi bila dah free skrg.. idea mula berterbangan lah pulak..hahaha
Apa boleh buat.. otak dah jam sebab exam hari tu.. ceh bajet study lah pulak...

I just want to post a words that really reconnect with me.. :)

" I close the door to my past and open the door to my future"
Lets start a new beginning with a smile.. :)

"setiap apa yang berlaku pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya"
Redha dengan apa yang terjadi.. Kita hanya mampu merancang tapi Tuhan yang menentukan..

"Stay strong.."
Don't make people change you.. just believe yourself.. chayok2..

Anyway.. these words means a lot to me... time is passes and live must go on.. 
Friends of mine always told me.. move on your life.. and now I will.. 
forget everything that hurt me and ready to forgive.. :)

Lots of Love,